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Home > Part Types

Part Types

Below you will find the list of part types supplied by 4 Star Electronics. To find the exact part that you need, we recommend using our part search utility. Give us a call at (949) 276-5225 or email us [email protected] and a sales associate will be more than happy to assist you.

Circuit Protection
Computers & Networking
Connectors (19966)
Contacts (623)
Sockets (383)
Terminals (713)
Discrete Semiconductors
Hardware & Tools
Hardware (3416)
Tools (34)
Industrial Controls
Controllers (217)
Flybacks (116)
Meters (40)
Motors (23)
Sensors (314)
Timers (125)
Power Management
Relays (8038)
Switches (2591)
Thermal Management
Accessories (1351)
Blowers (5)
Fans (381)
Heat Sinks (50)
Wire & Cables
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