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AS6081 Certified Distributor
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AS6081 Certification

Certified since 2019, Compliant since 2013

The AS6081 Standard was created in response to a significant and increasing volume of fraudulent/counterfeit electronic parts entering the aerospace supply chain, posing significant performance, reliability, and safety risks.

AS6081 standardizes requirements, practices, and methods related to supplier management, procurement, inspection, test evaluation, as well as response strategies when suspect or confirmed fraudulent/counterfeit electronic parts are discovered. Implementation of the requirements of AS6081 provides a vehicle for specific elements of the supply chain to collaborate and minimize risk.

4 Star Electronics has been an industry leader in supplying obsolete, hard to find, long lead-time, and end-of-life (EOL) electronic components since its inception in 2001. Over that time, counterfeit parts have remained a significant problem within the industry, and 4 Star has positioned itself at the forefront of risk assessment and counterfeit mitigation.

4 Star Electronics is certified to AS6081, with systems and procedures in place to meet or exceed the requirements of the SAE AS5553, AS6174, and AS6081 standards, as well as the commercial best practices outlined in IDEA-STD-1010, including:

  • Vendor Control
  • Risk Assessment
  • Inspection, Measurements and Testing
  • Disposition
  • Continual Improvement

All inspections are performed by experienced and certified IDEA-ICE-3000 Inspectors. 4 Star’s policies and procedures outline the avoidance, mitigation, and disposition strategy employed by the company to eliminate counterfeit electronic components in the supply chain, and to safeguard the reputation 4 Star Electronics has earned as a trusted industry leader in counterfeit prevention.



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